fadhil_riyanto/dwm.gitMy customized GNU/Linux Desktop Window Manager tree Fadhil Riyanto4 months
fadhil_riyanto/fadhil-riyanto-bot.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Fadhil Riyanto3 months
fadhil_riyanto/libTgBot.gitC++ library for Telegram bot API Fadhil Riyanto3 months
fadhil_riyanto/personal-books.git(READONLY) this repository used as digital backup of my local books Fadhil Riyanto4 months
fadhil_riyanto/tcp-forwarder.gitTCP socks5 protocol using simple unix socket Fadhil Riyanto4 months
fadhil_riyanto/tcpdump.gitsimple tools to reverse how protocol works Fadhil Riyanto4 months
fadhil_riyanto/xrootd.gitxsetroot daemon for Xorg Fadhil Riyanto4 months