# tgbot-cpp [![Travis build Status](https://travis-ci.org/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp)
[![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp.svg)](https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/graphs/contributors) C++14 library for Telegram bot API. Documentation is located [here](http://reo7sp.github.io/tgbot-cpp). ## State - [x] Bot API 3.0 ~ 3.6 - [x] Bot API 4.0 ~ 4.9 - [x] Bot API 5.0 ~ 5.6 (Implemented all APIs except 'Run Your Own Bot API Server') ## Sample Simple echo bot which sends everything it receives: ```cpp #include #include int main() { TgBot::Bot bot("PLACE YOUR TOKEN HERE"); bot.getEvents().onCommand("start", [&bot](TgBot::Message::Ptr message) { bot.getApi().sendMessage(message->chat->id, "Hi!"); }); bot.getEvents().onAnyMessage([&bot](TgBot::Message::Ptr message) { printf("User wrote %s\n", message->text.c_str()); if (StringTools::startsWith(message->text, "/start")) { return; } bot.getApi().sendMessage(message->chat->id, "Your message is: " + message->text); }); try { printf("Bot username: %s\n", bot.getApi().getMe()->username.c_str()); TgBot::TgLongPoll longPoll(bot); while (true) { printf("Long poll started\n"); longPoll.start(); } } catch (TgBot::TgException& e) { printf("error: %s\n", e.what()); } return 0; } ``` All other samples are located [here](samples). ## Dependencies Firstly you need to install some dependencies such as Boost and build tools such as CMake. On Debian-based distibutives you can do it with these commands: ```sh sudo apt-get install g++ make binutils cmake libssl-dev libboost-system-dev zlib1g-dev ``` If you want to use curl-based http client `CurlHttpClient`, you also need to install `libcurl4-openssl-dev` package. ## Library installation If you want to install the library system-wide: ```sh git clone https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp cd tgbot-cpp cmake . make -j4 sudo make install ``` You can treat this repository as a submodule of your project, for example, see [echobot-submodule](samples/echobot-submodule/CMakeLists.txt) You can use Docker to build and run your bot. Set the base image of your's Dockerfile to [reo7sp/tgbot-cpp](https://hub.docker.com/r/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/). ## Bot compilation ### With CMake [Example CMakeLists.txt](samples/echobot/CMakeLists.txt) ### Without CMake ```sh g++ telegram_bot.cpp -o telegram_bot --std=c++14 -I/usr/local/include -lTgBot -lboost_system -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread ``` ### Build options ``` -DTGBOT_DISABLE_NAGLES_ALGORITHM # Disable 'Nagle's algorithm' -DTGBOT_CHANGE_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE # Socket Buffer Size Expansion -DTGBOT_CHANGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE # Read Buffer Size Expansion ``` ## Licence [The MIT License](https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/blob/master/LICENSE).