This is the complete list of members for TgBot::Api, including all inherited members.
answerCallbackQuery(const std::string &callbackQueryId, const std::string &text="", bool showAlert=false, const std::string &url="", int32_t cacheTime=0) const | TgBot::Api | |
answerInlineQuery(const std::string &inlineQueryId, const std::vector< InlineQueryResult::Ptr > &results, int32_t cacheTime=300, bool isPersonal=false, const std::string &nextOffset="", const std::string &switchPmText="", const std::string &switchPmParameter="") const | TgBot::Api | |
Api(const std::string &token) | TgBot::Api | |
Bot class | TgBot::Api | friend |
deleteMessage(int64_t chatId, int32_t messageId) const | TgBot::Api | |
deleteWebhook() const | TgBot::Api | |
downloadFile(const std::string &filePath, const std::vector< HttpReqArg > &args=std::vector< HttpReqArg >()) const | TgBot::Api | |
editMessageCaption(int64_t chatId=0, int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr()) const | TgBot::Api | |
editMessageReplyMarkup(int64_t chatId=0, int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr()) const | TgBot::Api | |
editMessageText(const std::string &text, int64_t chatId=0, int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const std::string &parseMode="", bool disableWebPagePreview=false, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr()) const | TgBot::Api | |
forwardMessage(int64_t chatId, int64_t fromChatId, int32_t messageId, bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
getChat(int64_t chatId) const | TgBot::Api | |
getChatAdministrators(int64_t chatId) const | TgBot::Api | |
getChatMember(int64_t chatId, int32_t userId) const | TgBot::Api | |
getChatMembersCount(int64_t chatId) const | TgBot::Api | |
getFile(const std::string &fileId) const | TgBot::Api | |
getMe() const | TgBot::Api | |
getUpdates(int32_t offset=0, int32_t limit=100, int32_t timeout=0, const StringArrayPtr &allowedUpdates=nullptr) const | TgBot::Api | |
getUserProfilePhotos(int32_t userId, int32_t offset=0, int32_t limit=100) const | TgBot::Api | |
getWebhookInfo() const | TgBot::Api | |
kickChatMember(int64_t chatId, int32_t userId) const | TgBot::Api | |
leaveChat(int64_t chatId) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendAudio(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr audio, const std::string &caption="", int32_t duration=0, const std::string &performer="", const std::string &title="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendAudio(int64_t chatId, const std::string &audioId, const std::string &caption="", int32_t duration=0, const std::string &performer="", const std::string &title="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendChatAction(int64_t chatId, const std::string &action) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendContact(int64_t chatId, std::string phoneNumber, std::string firstName, std::string lastName="", bool disableNotification=false, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr()) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendDocument(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr document, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendDocument(int64_t chatId, const std::string &documentId, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendLocation(int64_t chatId, float latitude, float longitude, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendMessage(int64_t chatId, const std::string &text, bool disableWebPagePreview=false, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), const std::string &parseMode="", bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendPhoto(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr photo, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendPhoto(int64_t chatId, const std::string &photoId, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendSticker(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr sticker, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendSticker(int64_t chatId, const std::string &stickerId, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendVenue(int64_t chatId, float latitude, float longitude, std::string title, std::string address, std::string foursquareId="", bool disableNotification=false, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr()) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendVideo(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr video, int32_t duration=0, int32_t width=0, int32_t height=0, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendVideo(int64_t chatId, const std::string &videoId, int32_t duration=0, int32_t width=0, int32_t height=0, const std::string &caption="", int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendVoice(int64_t chatId, const InputFile::Ptr voice, const std::string &caption="", int duration=0, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
sendVoice(int64_t chatId, const std::string &voiceId, const std::string &caption="", int duration=0, int32_t replyToMessageId=0, const GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup=GenericReply::Ptr(), bool disableNotification=false) const | TgBot::Api | |
setWebhook(const std::string &url="", const InputFile::Ptr certificate=nullptr, int32_t maxConnection=40, const StringArrayPtr &allowedUpdates=nullptr) const | TgBot::Api | |
unbanChatMember(int64_t chatId, int32_t userId) const | TgBot::Api |