Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- data
: TgBot::CallbackQuery
, TgBot::HttpServer< Protocol >::Connection
, TgBot::InputFile
- date
: TgBot::Message
- deleteChatPhoto
: TgBot::Message
- deleteWebhook()
: TgBot::Api
- description
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultArticle
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultDocument
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultPhoto
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultVideo
- disableWebPagePreview
: TgBot::InputTextMessageContent
- document
: TgBot::Message
- documentFileId
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
- documentUrl
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultDocument
- downloadFile()
: TgBot::Api
- duration
: TgBot::Audio
, TgBot::Video
, TgBot::Voice