Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- f -
- file_id
: TgBot::Voice
- file_size
: TgBot::Voice
- fileId
: TgBot::Audio
, TgBot::Document
, TgBot::File
, TgBot::PhotoSize
, TgBot::Sticker
, TgBot::Video
, TgBot::VideoNote
- fileName
: TgBot::Document
, TgBot::HttpReqArg
, TgBot::InputFile
- filePath
: TgBot::File
- fileSize
: TgBot::Audio
, TgBot::Document
, TgBot::File
, TgBot::PhotoSize
, TgBot::Sticker
, TgBot::Video
, TgBot::VideoNote
- firstName
: TgBot::Chat
, TgBot::Contact
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultContact
, TgBot::InputContactMessageContent
, TgBot::User
- forceReply
: TgBot::ForceReply
- forwardDate
: TgBot::Message
- forwardFrom
: TgBot::Message
- forwardFromChat
: TgBot::Message
- forwardFromMessageId
: TgBot::Message
- forwardMessage()
: TgBot::Api
- forwardSignature
: TgBot::Message
- foursquare_id
: TgBot::Venue
- foursquareId
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultVenue
, TgBot::InputVenueMessageContent
- fragment
: TgBot::Url
- from
: TgBot::CallbackQuery
, TgBot::ChosenInlineResult
, TgBot::InlineQuery
, TgBot::Message
, TgBot::PreCheckoutQuery
, TgBot::ShippingQuery
- fromFile()
: TgBot::InputFile