Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- p -
- parseMode
: TgBot::InputMedia
, TgBot::InputTextMessageContent
- parseRequest()
: TgBot::HttpParser
- parseResponse()
: TgBot::HttpParser
- path
: TgBot::Url
- pay
: TgBot::InlineKeyboardButton
- pendingUpdateCount
: TgBot::WebhookInfo
- performer
: TgBot::Audio
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultAudio
- phoneNumber
: TgBot::Contact
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultContact
, TgBot::InputContactMessageContent
, TgBot::OrderInfo
- photo
: TgBot::Chat
, TgBot::Game
, TgBot::Message
- photoFileId
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
- photoHeight
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultPhoto
- photos
: TgBot::UserProfilePhotos
- photoUrl
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultPhoto
- photoWidth
: TgBot::InlineQueryResultPhoto
- pinChatMessage()
: TgBot::Api
- pinnedMessage
: TgBot::Chat
, TgBot::Message
- point
: TgBot::MaskPosition
- position
: TgBot::GameHighScore
- postCode
: TgBot::ShippingAddress
- preCheckoutQuery
: TgBot::Update
- prices
: TgBot::ShippingOption
- promoteChatMember()
: TgBot::Api
- protocol
: TgBot::Url
- providerPaymentChargeId
: TgBot::SuccessfulPayment
- Ptr
: TgBot::Animation
, TgBot::Audio
, TgBot::CallbackGame
, TgBot::CallbackQuery
, TgBot::Chat
, TgBot::ChatMember
, TgBot::ChatPhoto
, TgBot::ChosenInlineResult
, TgBot::Contact
, TgBot::Document
, TgBot::File
, TgBot::ForceReply
, TgBot::Game
, TgBot::GameHighScore
, TgBot::GenericReply
, TgBot::InlineKeyboardButton
, TgBot::InlineKeyboardMarkup
, TgBot::InlineQuery
, TgBot::InlineQueryResult
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultArticle
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultAudio
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedGif
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultContact
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultDocument
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultGame
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultGif
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultLocation
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultPhoto
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultVenue
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultVideo
, TgBot::InlineQueryResultVoice
, TgBot::InputContactMessageContent
, TgBot::InputFile
, TgBot::InputLocationMessageContent
, TgBot::InputMedia
, TgBot::InputMediaPhoto
, TgBot::InputMediaVideo
, TgBot::InputMessageContent
, TgBot::InputTextMessageContent
, TgBot::InputVenueMessageContent
, TgBot::Invoice
, TgBot::KeyboardButton
, TgBot::LabeledPrice
, TgBot::Location
, TgBot::MaskPosition
, TgBot::Message
, TgBot::MessageEntity
, TgBot::OrderInfo
, TgBot::PhotoSize
, TgBot::PreCheckoutQuery
, TgBot::ReplyKeyboardMarkup
, TgBot::ReplyKeyboardRemove
, TgBot::ResponseParameters
, TgBot::ShippingAddress
, TgBot::ShippingOption
, TgBot::ShippingQuery
, TgBot::Sticker
, TgBot::StickerSet
, TgBot::SuccessfulPayment
, TgBot::Update
, TgBot::User
, TgBot::UserProfilePhotos
, TgBot::Venue
, TgBot::Video
, TgBot::VideoNote
, TgBot::Voice
, TgBot::WebhookInfo