TgBot Namespace Reference


class  Api
class  Audio
class  Bot
class  CallbackQuery
class  Chat
class  ChatMember
class  ChatPhoto
class  ChosenInlineResult
class  Contact
class  Document
class  EventBroadcaster
class  EventHandler
class  File
class  ForceReply
class  GenericReply
class  HttpClient
class  HttpParser
class  HttpReqArg
class  HttpServer
class  InlineKeyboardButton
class  InlineKeyboardMarkup
class  InlineQuery
class  InlineQueryResult
class  InlineQueryResultArticle
class  InlineQueryResultAudio
class  InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
class  InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
class  InlineQueryResultCachedGif
class  InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
class  InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
class  InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
class  InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
class  InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
class  InlineQueryResultContact
class  InlineQueryResultDocument
class  InlineQueryResultGame
class  InlineQueryResultGif
class  InlineQueryResultLocation
class  InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
class  InlineQueryResultPhoto
class  InlineQueryResultVenue
class  InlineQueryResultVideo
class  InlineQueryResultVoice
class  InputContactMessageContent
class  InputFile
class  InputLocationMessageContent
class  InputMedia
class  InputMediaPhoto
class  InputMediaVideo
class  InputMessageContent
class  InputTextMessageContent
class  InputVenueMessageContent
class  Invoice
 This object contains basic information about an invoice. More...
class  KeyboardButton
class  LabeledPrice
 This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services. More...
class  Location
class  MaskPosition
class  Message
class  MessageEntity
class  OrderInfo
 This object represents information about an order. More...
class  PhotoSize
class  PreCheckoutQuery
 This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query. More...
class  ReplyKeyboardMarkup
class  ReplyKeyboardRemove
class  ResponseParameters
class  ShippingAddress
 This object represents a shipping address. More...
class  ShippingOption
 This object represents one shipping option. More...
class  ShippingQuery
 This object contains information about an incoming shipping query. More...
class  Sticker
class  StickerSet
class  SuccessfulPayment
 This object contains basic information about a successful payment. More...
class  TgException
class  TgLongPoll
class  TgTypeParser
class  TgWebhookServer
class  TgWebhookTcpServer
class  Update
class  Url
class  User
class  UserProfilePhotos
class  Venue
class  Video
class  VideoNote
class  Voice
class  WebhookInfo