/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Oleg Morozenkov * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef TGBOT_TGBOT_H #define TGBOT_TGBOT_H #include "tgbot/Bot.h" #include "tgbot/Api.h" #include "tgbot/TgException.h" #include "tgbot/TgTypeParser.h" #include "tgbot/EventBroadcaster.h" #include "tgbot/EventHandler.h" #include "tgbot/types/Audio.h" #include "tgbot/types/Contact.h" #include "tgbot/types/Document.h" #include "tgbot/types/ForceReply.h" #include "tgbot/types/GenericReply.h" #include "tgbot/types/InputFile.h" #include "tgbot/types/Location.h" #include "tgbot/types/Message.h" #include "tgbot/types/PhotoSize.h" #include "tgbot/types/ReplyKeyboardRemove.h" #include "tgbot/types/ReplyKeyboardMarkup.h" #include "tgbot/types/Sticker.h" #include "tgbot/types/Update.h" #include "tgbot/types/User.h" #include "tgbot/types/UserProfilePhotos.h" #include "tgbot/types/Video.h" #include "tgbot/types/VideoNote.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQuery.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResult.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResultArticle.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResultGif.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResultPhoto.h" #include "tgbot/types/InlineQueryResultVideo.h" #include "tgbot/types/ChosenInlineResult.h" #include "tgbot/tools/StringTools.h" #include "tgbot/tools/FileTools.h" #include "tgbot/net/HttpClient.h" #include "tgbot/net/HttpParser.h" #include "tgbot/net/HttpReqArg.h" #include "tgbot/net/HttpServer.h" #include "tgbot/net/TgLongPoll.h" #include "tgbot/net/TgWebhookLocalServer.h" #include "tgbot/net/TgWebhookServer.h" #include "tgbot/net/TgWebhookTcpServer.h" #include "tgbot/net/Url.h" /** * @defgroup general * @defgroup types * @defgroup net * @defgroup tools * * @mainpage * [Go to GitHub](https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp) * * @section lib_compile Library compilation * * Firstly you need to install some dependencies such as Boost and build tools such as CMake. On Debian-based distibutives you can do it with these commands: * @code{.sh} * sudo apt-get install g++ make binutils cmake libssl-dev libboost-system-dev * @endcode * * To compile the library execute this commands: * @code{.sh} * cd /path/where/you/have/cloned/the/library/repository * cmake . * make -j4 * sudo make install * @endcode * * @section bot_compile Bot compilation * With CMake: * [Example CMakeLists.txt](samples/echobot/CMakeLists.txt) * * Without CMake: * @code{.sh} * g++ telegram_bot.cpp -o telegram_bot --std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -lTgBot -lboost_system -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread * @endcode * * Also: * You can use Docker to build and run your bot. Set the base image of your's Dockerfile to [reo7sp/tgbot-cpp](https://hub.docker.com/r/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/). * * @section Samples * All samples are located [here](https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/tree/master/samples) * * @section Feedback * Feel free to [create new issues on GitHub](https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp/issues) or [contact me on Telegram](https://t.me/reo7sp) * * @section Licence * [The MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) */ #endif //TGBOT_TGBOT_H