path: root/include/tgbot
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/tgbot')
4 files changed, 196 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/include/tgbot/Api.h b/include/tgbot/Api.h
index 87c6c11..e0c69ec 100644
--- a/include/tgbot/Api.h
+++ b/include/tgbot/Api.h
@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param entities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
Message::Ptr sendMessage(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
const std::string& text,
bool disableWebPagePreview = false,
@@ -148,67 +150,90 @@ public:
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& entities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to forward messages of any kind.
- * @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat.
- * @param fromChatId Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent — User or GroupChat id.
- * @param messageId Unique message identifier.
- * @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silenty.
- * @return On success, the sent message is returned.
+ *
+ * Service messages can't be forwarded.
+ *
+ * @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
+ * @param fromChatId Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel username in the format @channelusername)
+ * @param messageId Message identifier in the chat specified in fromChatId
+ * @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the forwarded message from forwarding and saving
+ *
+ * @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr forwardMessage(std::int64_t chatId, std::int64_t fromChatId, std::int32_t messageId, bool disableNotification = false) const;
+ Message::Ptr forwardMessage(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> fromChatId,
+ std::int32_t messageId,
+ bool disableNotification = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to copy messages of any kind.
- * The method is analogous to the method Api::forwardMessages, but the copied message doesn't have a link to the original message.
+ *
+ * Service messages and invoice messages can't be copied.
+ * The method is analogous to the method Api::forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn't have a link to the original message.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
* @param fromChatId Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel username in the format @channelusername)
* @param messageId Message identifier in the chat specified in fromChatId
* @param caption Optional. New caption for media, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing. If not specified, the original caption is kept
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the new caption. See for more details.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the new caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the new caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
- * @return the MessageId of the sent message on success.
+ * @return Returns the MessageId of the sent message on success.
- MessageId::Ptr copyMessage(std::int64_t chatId, std::int64_t fromChatId, std::int32_t messageId,
- const std::string& caption = "", const std::string& parseMode = "", const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool disableNotification = false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
- GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>()) const;
+ MessageId::Ptr copyMessage(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> fromChatId,
+ std::int32_t messageId,
+ const std::string& caption = "",
+ const std::string& parseMode = "",
+ const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
+ bool disableNotification = false,
+ std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send photos.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
- * @param photo Photo to send. Pass a fileId as String to send a photo that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a photo from the Internet, or upload a new photo using multipart/form-data.
+ * @param photo Photo to send. Pass a fileId as String to send a photo that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a photo from the Internet, or upload a new photo using multipart/form-data. The photo must be at most 10 MB in size. The photo's width and height must not exceed 10000 in total. Width and height ratio must be at most 20.
* @param caption Optional. Photo caption (may also be used when resending photos by fileId), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the photo caption. See for more details.
- * @param disableNotification Optional.Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendPhoto(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> photo,
+ Message::Ptr sendPhoto(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> photo,
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
- * @brief Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display them in the music player.
+ * @brief Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display them in the music player.
+ *
* Your audio must be in the .MP3 or .M4A format.
* Bots can currently send audio files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
@@ -225,27 +250,30 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the audio caption. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendAudio(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> audio,
+ Message::Ptr sendAudio(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> audio,
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t duration = 0,
const std::string& performer = "",
const std::string& title = "",
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> thumb = "",
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> thumb = "",
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send general files.
+ *
* Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
@@ -256,15 +284,16 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param disableContentTypeDetection Optional. Disables automatic server-side content type detection for files uploaded using multipart/form-data
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendDocument(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> document,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> thumb = "",
+ Message::Ptr sendDocument(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> document,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> thumb = "",
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
@@ -272,10 +301,12 @@ public:
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
bool disableContentTypeDetection = false,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send video files, Telegram clients support mp4 videos (other formats may be sent as Document).
+ *
* Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
@@ -284,34 +315,37 @@ public:
* @param duration Optional. Duration of sent video in seconds
* @param width Optional. Video width
* @param height Optional. Video height
- * @param thumb Optional Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>.
+ * @param thumb Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>.
* @param caption Optional. Video caption (may also be used when resending videos by fileId), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the video caption. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendVideo(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> video,
+ Message::Ptr sendVideo(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> video,
bool supportsStreaming = false,
std::int32_t duration = 0,
std::int32_t width = 0,
std::int32_t height = 0,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> thumb = "",
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> thumb = "",
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
+ *
* Bots can currently send animation files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
@@ -325,27 +359,30 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the animation caption. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendAnimation(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> animation,
+ Message::Ptr sendAnimation(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> animation,
std::int32_t duration = 0,
std::int32_t width = 0,
std::int32_t height = 0,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> thumb = "",
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> thumb = "",
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message.
+ *
* For this to work, your audio must be in an .OGG file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document).
* Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
@@ -357,13 +394,14 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param parseMode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the voice message caption. See for more details.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- * @param captionEntities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
+ * @param captionEntities Optional. A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parseMode
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendVoice(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> voice,
+ Message::Ptr sendVoice(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> voice,
const std::string& caption = "",
std::int32_t duration = 0,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
@@ -371,11 +409,13 @@ public:
const std::string& parseMode = "",
bool disableNotification = false,
const std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>& captionEntities = std::vector<MessageEntity::Ptr>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
- * @brief As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos of up to 1 minute long.
- * Use this method to send video messages.
+ * @brief Use this method to send video messages.
+ *
+ * As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos of up to 1 minute long.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
* @param videoNote Video note to send. Pass a fileId as String to send a video note that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended) or upload a new video using multipart/form-data. Sending video notes by a URL is currently unsupported.
@@ -386,21 +426,24 @@ public:
* @param thumb Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://<file_attach_name>” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under <file_attach_name>.
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendVideoNote(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> videoNote,
+ Message::Ptr sendVideoNote(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> videoNote,
std::int64_t replyToMessageId = 0,
bool disableNotification = false,
std::int32_t duration = 0,
std::int32_t length = 0,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> thumb = "",
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> thumb = "",
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send a group of photos, videos, documents or audios as an album.
+ *
* Documents and audio files can be only group in an album with messages of the same type.
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
@@ -408,14 +451,16 @@ public:
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends messages silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the messages are a reply, ID of the original message
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent messages from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, an array of Messages that were sent is returned.
- std::vector<Message::Ptr> sendMediaGroup(std::int64_t chatId,
+ std::vector<Message::Ptr> sendMediaGroup(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
const std::vector<InputMedia::Ptr>& media,
bool disableNotification = false,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send point on the map.
@@ -423,7 +468,7 @@ public:
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
* @param latitude Latitude of the location
* @param longitude Longitude of the location
- * @param livePeriod Optional. Period in seconds for which the location will be updated (see Live Locations, should be between 60 and 86400.
+ * @param livePeriod Optional. Period in seconds for which the location will be updated (see, should be between 60 and 86400.
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
@@ -431,20 +476,22 @@ public:
* @param heading Optional. For live locations, a direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.
* @param proximityAlertRadius Optional. For live locations, a maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendLocation(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendLocation(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
float latitude,
float longitude,
- std::uint32_t livePeriod = 0,
+ std::int32_t livePeriod = 0,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
bool disableNotification = false,
float horizontalAccuracy = 0,
- std::uint32_t heading = 0,
- std::uint32_t proximityAlertRadius = 0,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ std::int32_t heading = 0,
+ std::int32_t proximityAlertRadius = 0,
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to edit live location messages.
@@ -499,10 +546,11 @@ public:
* @param googlePlaceId Optional. Google Places identifier of the venue
* @param googlePlaceType Optional. Google Places type of the venue. (See
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendVenue(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendVenue(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
float latitude,
float longitude,
const std::string& title,
@@ -514,7 +562,8 @@ public:
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& googlePlaceId = "",
const std::string& googlePlaceType = "",
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send phone contacts.
@@ -528,10 +577,11 @@ public:
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendContact(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendContact(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
const std::string& phoneNumber,
const std::string& firstName,
const std::string& lastName = "",
@@ -539,7 +589,8 @@ public:
bool disableNotification = false,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send a native poll.
@@ -561,10 +612,11 @@ public:
* @param closeDate Optional. Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will be automatically closed. Must be at least 5 and no more than 600 seconds in the future. Can't be used together with openPeriod.
* @param isClosed Optional. Pass True, if the poll needs to be immediately closed. This can be useful for poll preview.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendPoll(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendPoll(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
const std::string& question,
const std::vector<std::string>& options,
bool disableNotification = false,
@@ -580,7 +632,8 @@ public:
std::int32_t openPeriod = 0,
std::int32_t closeDate = 0,
bool isClosed = false,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to send an animated emoji that will display a random value.
@@ -591,15 +644,17 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param emoji Optional. Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based. Currently, must be one of “🎲”, “🎯”, “🏀”, “⚽”, “🎳”, or “🎰”. Dice can have values 1-6 for “🎲”, “🎯” and “🎳”, values 1-5 for “🏀” and “⚽”, and values 1-64 for “🎰”. Defaults to “🎲”
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendDice(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendDice(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
bool disableNotification = false,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
const std::string& emoji = "",
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side.
@@ -813,7 +868,7 @@ public:
* @return the edited invite link as a ChatInviteLink object.
ChatInviteLink::Ptr editChatInviteLink(std::int64_t chatId,
- std::string inviteLink,
+ const std::string& inviteLink,
std::int32_t expireDate = 0,
std::int32_t memberLimit = 0,
const std::string& name = "",
@@ -830,7 +885,7 @@ public:
* @return the revoked invite link as ChatInviteLink object.
ChatInviteLink::Ptr revokeChatInviteLink(std::int64_t chatId,
- std::string inviteLink) const;
+ const std::string& inviteLink) const;
* @brief Use this method to approve a chat join request.
@@ -1129,15 +1184,17 @@ public:
* @param replyMarkup Optional. Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendSticker(std::int64_t chatId,
- boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, std::string> sticker,
+ Message::Ptr sendSticker(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
+ boost::variant<InputFile::Ptr, const std::string&> sticker,
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
GenericReply::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<GenericReply>(),
bool disableNotification = false,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to get a sticker set.
@@ -1273,10 +1330,11 @@ public:
* @param maxTipAmount Optional. The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0
* @param suggestedTipAmounts Optional. A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed maxTipAmount.
* @param startParameter Optional. Unique deep-linking parameter. If left empty, forwarded copies of the sent message will have a Pay button, allowing multiple users to pay directly from the forwarded message, using the same invoice. If non-empty, forwarded copies of the sent message will have a URL button with a deep link to the bot (instead of a Pay button), with the value used as the start parameter
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
- Message::Ptr sendInvoice(std::int64_t chatId,
+ Message::Ptr sendInvoice(boost::variant<std::int64_t, const std::string&> chatId,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& description,
const std::string& payload,
@@ -1301,7 +1359,8 @@ public:
bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
std::int32_t maxTipAmount = 0,
const std::vector<std::int32_t>& suggestedTipAmounts = std::vector<std::int32_t>(),
- const std::string& startParameter = "") const;
+ const std::string& startParameter = "",
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to reply to shipping queries.
@@ -1350,9 +1409,10 @@ public:
* @param chatId Unique identifier for the target chat
* @param gameShortName Short name of the game, serves as the unique identifier for the game. Set up your games via Botfather.
* @param replyToMessageId Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
- * @param replyMarkup Optional. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one 'Play game_title' button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must launch the game.
+ * @param replyMarkup Optional. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one 'Play gameTitle' button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must launch the game.
* @param disableNotification Optional. Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param allowSendingWithoutReply Optional. Pass True, if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
+ * @param protectContent Optional. Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @return On success, the sent Message is returned.
@@ -1361,7 +1421,8 @@ public:
std::int32_t replyToMessageId = 0,
InlineKeyboardMarkup::Ptr replyMarkup = std::make_shared<InlineKeyboardMarkup>(),
bool disableNotification = false,
- bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false) const;
+ bool allowSendingWithoutReply = false,
+ bool protectContent = false) const;
* @brief Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game.
diff --git a/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberBanned.h b/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberBanned.h
index c54385e..90ae93e 100644
--- a/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberBanned.h
+++ b/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberBanned.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
* @brief Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time
- std::int32_t untilDate;
+ std::uint32_t untilDate;
diff --git a/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberRestricted.h b/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberRestricted.h
index 76a9cd7..d64c849 100644
--- a/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberRestricted.h
+++ b/include/tgbot/types/ChatMemberRestricted.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
* @brief Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time
- std::int32_t untilDate;
+ std::uint32_t untilDate;
diff --git a/include/tgbot/types/MessageEntity.h b/include/tgbot/types/MessageEntity.h
index 6cf42f5..d1384e7 100644
--- a/include/tgbot/types/MessageEntity.h
+++ b/include/tgbot/types/MessageEntity.h
@@ -1,54 +1,55 @@
-#include "tgbot/types/User.h"
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-namespace TgBot {
- * @brief This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
- *
- * @ingroup types
- */
-class MessageEntity {
- typedef std::shared_ptr<MessageEntity> Ptr;
- /**
- * @brief Type of the entity.
- * Can be “mention” (@username), “hashtag” (#hashtag), “cashtag” ($USD), “bot_command” (/start@jobs_bot), “url” (, “email” (, “phone_number” (+1-212-555-0123), “bold” (bold text), “italic” (italic text), “underline” (underlined text), “strikethrough” (strikethrough text), “code” (monowidth string), “pre” (monowidth block), “text_link” (for clickable text URLs), “text_mention” (for users without usernames)
- */
- std::string type;
- /**
- * @brief Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
- */
- std::int32_t offset;
- /**
- * @brief Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units
- */
- std::int32_t length;
- /**
- * @brief Optional. For “text_link” only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text
- */
- std::string url;
- /**
- * @brief Optional. For “text_mention” only, the mentioned user
- */
- User::Ptr user;
- /**
- * @brief Optional. For “pre” only, the programming language of the entity text
- */
- std::string language;
+#include "tgbot/types/User.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+namespace TgBot {
+ * @brief This object represents one special entity in a text message.
+ * For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
+ *
+ * @ingroup types
+ */
+class MessageEntity {
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<MessageEntity> Ptr;
+ /**
+ * @brief Type of the entity.
+ * Currently, can be “mention” (@username), “hashtag” (#hashtag), “cashtag” ($USD), “bot_command” (/start@jobs_bot), “url” (, “email” (, “phone_number” (+1-212-555-0123), “bold” (bold text), “italic” (italic text), “underline” (underlined text), “strikethrough” (strikethrough text), “spoiler” (spoiler message), “code” (monowidth string), “pre” (monowidth block), “text_link” (for clickable text URLs), “text_mention” (for users without usernames)
+ */
+ std::string type;
+ /**
+ * @brief Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
+ */
+ std::int32_t offset;
+ /**
+ * @brief Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units
+ */
+ std::int32_t length;
+ /**
+ * @brief Optional. For “text_link” only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text
+ */
+ std::string url;
+ /**
+ * @brief Optional. For “text_mention” only, the mentioned user
+ */
+ User::Ptr user;
+ /**
+ * @brief Optional. For “pre” only, the programming language of the entity text
+ */
+ std::string language;