path: root/src
diff options
authorAndrea Giove <>2016-03-27 11:16:28 +0200
committerAndrea Giove <>2016-03-27 11:16:28 +0200
commitf889903cd7132ce39e81da15d2f335ac511b2e1f (patch)
tree8de30b3f819da6343effd80f9018028d784c6a40 /src
parent67a543eb596b68a166d7f790ea27d5d4e70e10b7 (diff)
Add new types and new event broadcaster for support the inline mode.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/TgTypeParser.cpp b/src/TgTypeParser.cpp
index 53a00da..eb7f769 100644
--- a/src/TgTypeParser.cpp
+++ b/src/TgTypeParser.cpp
@@ -348,6 +348,8 @@ Update::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetUpdate(const ptree& data) const {
Update::Ptr result(new Update);
result->updateId = data.get<int32_t>("update_id");
result->message = parseJsonAndGetMessage(data.find("message")->second);
+ result->inlineQuery = parseJsonAndGetInlineQuery(data.find("inline_query")->second);
+ result->chosenInlineResult = parseJsonAndGetChosenInlineResult(data.find("chosen_inline_result")->second);
return result;
@@ -359,6 +361,8 @@ string TgTypeParser::parseUpdate(const Update::Ptr& object) const {
result += '{';
appendToJson(result, "update_id", object->updateId);
appendToJson(result, "message", parseMessage(object->message));
+ appendToJson(result, "inline_query", parseInlineQuery(object->inlineQuery));
+ appendToJson(result, "chosen_inline_result", parseChosenInlineResult(object->chosenInlineResult))
result.erase(result.length() - 1);
result += '}';
return result;
@@ -487,6 +491,246 @@ std::string TgTypeParser::parseGenericReply(const GenericReply::Ptr& object) con
+InlineQuery::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQuery(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ InlineQuery::Ptr result(new InlineQuery);
+ result->id = data.get<string>("id");
+ result->from = tryParseJson<User>(&TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetUser, data, "from");
+ result->query = data.get<string>("query");
+ result->offset = data.get<string>("offset");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQuery(const InlineQuery::Ptr& object) const{
+ if (!object) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ string result;
+ result += '{';
+ appendToJson(result, "id", object->id);
+ appendToJson(result, "from", parseUser(object->from));
+ appendToJson(result, "query", object->query);
+ appendToJson(result, "offset", object->offset);
+ result.erase(result.length() - 1);
+ result += '}';
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResult::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResult(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ string type = data.get<string>("type");
+ InlineQueryResult::Ptr result;
+ if (type == InlineQueryResultArticle::TYPE) {
+ result = static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResult>(parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultArticle(data));
+ } else if (type == InlineQueryResultPhoto::TYPE) {
+ result = static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResult>(parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultPhoto(data));
+ } else if (type == InlineQueryResultGif::TYPE) {
+ result = static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResult>(parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultGif(data));
+ } else if (type == InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif::TYPE) {
+ result = static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResult>(parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif(data));
+ } else if (type == InlineQueryResultVideo::TYPE) {
+ result = static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResult>(parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultVideo(data));
+ } else {
+ result = make_shared<InlineQueryResult>();
+ }
+ result->id = data.get<string>("id");
+ result->title = data.get<string>("title", "");
+ result->messageText = data.get<string>("message_text", "");
+ result->parseMode = data.get<string>("parse_mode", "");
+ result->disableWebPagePreview = data.get("disable_web_page_preview", false);
+ result->thumbUrl = data.get<string>("thumb_url", "");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResult(const InlineQueryResult::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return "";
+ }
+ string result;
+ result += '{';
+ appendToJson(result, "id", object->id);
+ appendToJson(result, "type", object->type);
+ appendToJson(result, "title", object->title);
+ appendToJson(result, "message_text", object->messageText);
+ appendToJson(result, "parse_mode", object->parseMode);
+ appendToJson(result, "disable_web_page_preview", object->disableWebPagePreview);
+ appendToJson(result, "thumb_url", object->thumbUrl);
+ if (object->type == InlineQueryResultArticle::TYPE){
+ result += parseInlineQueryResultArticle(static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResultArticle>(object));
+ } else if (object->type == InlineQueryResultPhoto::TYPE){
+ result += parseInlineQueryResultPhoto(static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResultPhoto>(object));
+ } else if (object->type == InlineQueryResultGif::TYPE){
+ result += parseInlineQueryResultGif(static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResultGif>(object));
+ } else if (object->type == InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif::TYPE){
+ result += parseInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif(static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif>(object));
+ } else if (object->type == InlineQueryResultVideo::TYPE){
+ result += parseInlineQueryResultVideo(static_pointer_cast<InlineQueryResultVideo>(object));
+ }
+ result.erase(result.length() - 1);
+ result += '}';
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResultArticle::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultArticle(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ // NOTE: This function will be called by parseJsonAndGgetInlineQueryResult().
+ InlineQueryResultArticle::Ptr result(new InlineQueryResultArticle);
+ result->url = data.get<string>("url", "");
+ result->hideUrl = data.get("hide_url", false);
+ result->description = data.get<string>("description", "");
+ result->thumbWidth = data.get("thumb_width", 0);
+ result->thumbHeight = data.get("thumb_height", 0);
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResultArticle(const InlineQueryResultArticle::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return " ";
+ }
+ // This function will be called by parseInlineQueryResult(), so I don't add
+ // curly brackets to the result string.
+ string result;
+ appendToJson(result, "url", object->url);
+ appendToJson(result, "hide_url", object->hideUrl);
+ appendToJson(result, "description", object->description);
+ appendToJson(result, "thumb_width", object->thumbWidth);
+ appendToJson(result, "thumb_height", object->thumbHeight);
+ // The last comma will be erased by parseInlineQueryResult().
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResultPhoto::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultPhoto(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ // NOTE: This function will be called by parseJsonAndGgetInlineQueryResult().
+ InlineQueryResultPhoto::Ptr result(new InlineQueryResultPhoto);
+ result->photoUrl = data.get<string>("photo_url", "");
+ result->photoWidth = data.get("photo_width", 0);
+ result->photoHeight = data.get("photo_height", 0);
+ result->description = data.get<string>("description", "");
+ result->caption = data.get<string>("caption", "");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResultPhoto(const InlineQueryResultPhoto::Ptr& object) const{
+ if (!object){
+ return " ";
+ }
+ // This function will be called by parseInlineQueryResult(), so I don't add
+ // curly brackets to the result string.
+ string result;
+ appendToJson(result, "photo_url", object->photoUrl);
+ appendToJson(result, "photo_width", object->photoWidth);
+ appendToJson(result, "photo_height", object->photoHeight);
+ appendToJson(result, "description", object->description);
+ appendToJson(result, "caption", object->caption);
+ // The last comma will be erased by parseInlineQueryResult().
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResultGif::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultGif(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ // NOTE: This function will be called by parseJsonAndGgetInlineQueryResult().
+ InlineQueryResultGif::Ptr result(new InlineQueryResultGif);
+ result->gifUrl = data.get<string>("gif_url", "");
+ result->gifWidth = data.get("gif_width", 0);
+ result->gifHeight = data.get("gif_height", 0);
+ result->caption = data.get<string>("caption", "");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResultGif(const InlineQueryResultGif::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return " ";
+ }
+ // This function will be called by parseInlineQueryResult(), so I don't add
+ // curly brackets to the result string.
+ string result;
+ appendToJson(result, "gif_url", object->gifUrl);
+ appendToJson(result, "gif_width", object->gifWidth);
+ appendToJson(result, "gif_height", object->gifHeight);
+ appendToJson(result, "caption", object->caption);
+ // The last comma will be erased by parseInlineQueryResult().
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ // NOTE: This function will be called by parseJsonAndGgetInlineQueryResult().
+ InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif::Ptr result(new InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif);
+ result->mpeg4Url = data.get<string>("mpeg4_url");
+ result->mpeg4Width = data.get("mpeg4_width", 0);
+ result->mpeg4Height = data.get("mpeg4_height", 0);
+ result->caption = data.get("caption", "");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif(const InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return " ";
+ }
+ // This function will be called by parseInlineQueryResult(), so I don't add
+ // curly brackets to the result string.
+ string result;
+ appendToJson(result, "mpeg4_url", object->mpeg4Url);
+ appendToJson(result, "mpeg4_width", object->mpeg4Width);
+ appendToJson(result, "mpeg4_height", object->mpeg4Height);
+ appendToJson(result, "caption", object->caption);
+ // The last comma will be erased by parseInlineQueryResult().
+ return result;
+InlineQueryResultVideo::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetInlineQueryResultVideo(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ // NOTE: This function will be called by parseJsonAndGgetInlineQueryResult().
+ InlineQueryResultVideo::Ptr result(new InlineQueryResultVideo);
+ result->videoUrl = data.get<string>("video_url");
+ result->mimeType = data.get<string>("mime_type");
+ result->videoWidth = data.get("video_height", 0);
+ result->videoHeight = data.get("video_height", 0);
+ result->videoDuration = data.get("video_duration", 0);
+ result->description = data.get<string>("description", "");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseInlineQueryResultVideo(const InlineQueryResultVideo::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return " ";
+ }
+ // This function will be called by parseInlineQueryResult(), so I don't add
+ // curly brackets to the result string.
+ string result;
+ appendToJson(result, "video_url", object->videoUrl);
+ appendToJson(result, "mime_type", object->mimeType);
+ appendToJson(result, "video_width", object->videoWidth);
+ appendToJson(result, "video_height", object->videoHeight);
+ appendToJson(result, "video_duration", object->videoDuration);
+ appendToJson(result, "description", object->description);
+ // The last comma will be erased by parseInlineQueryResult().
+ return result;
+ChosenInlineResult::Ptr TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetChosenInlineResult(const boost::property_tree::ptree& data) const {
+ ChosenInlineResult::Ptr result(new ChosenInlineResult);
+ result->resultId = data.get<string>("result_id");
+ result->user = tryParseJson<User>(&TgTypeParser::parseJsonAndGetUser, data, "user");
+ result->query = data.get<string>("query");
+ return result;
+std::string TgTypeParser::parseChosenInlineResult(const ChosenInlineResult::Ptr& object) const {
+ if (!object){
+ return "";
+ }
+ string result;
+ result += '{';
+ appendToJson(result, "result_id", object->resultId);
+ appendToJson(result, "user", parseUser(object->user));
+ appendToJson(result, "query", object->query);
+ result.erase(result.length() - 1);
+ result += '}';
+ return result;
void TgTypeParser::appendToJson(string& json, const string& varName, const string& value) const {
if (value.empty()) {